What to Expect
What to Expect at Concordia
At Concordia Lutheran Church we follow the historic liturgy of the Church has it has been purified in the Lutheran Reformation. We make thorough use of our synod's hymnal, Lutheran Service Book.  Concordia Lutheran Church is a church that seeks to be faithful to the Scriptures as God's holy, inerrant, and powerful Word. We understand the Scriptures to the sole source of doctrine and the final authority upon which all teaching and practice is to be judged.  We also seek to hold faithfully to the Lutheran Confessions as contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as a faithful application and summary of Scripture in teaching and practice. To support this, we encourage in-depth study of the Bible and thorough instruction in the catechism for youth and adults prior to admission to altar fellowship. When you come to Concordia you will go home knowing that you've "been to church" and have been fed in the Lord's means of grace. Â
"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."Â 1 Corinthians 2:2

Ordinarily only those who are currently confirmed members of our Lutheran church body partake in the Lord's Supper. Our church is not in fellowship with the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). We ask that visitors who wish to commune to speak with the pastor prior to the service. It is helpful if you can come early to do this. Â
If there is not sufficient time before hand please wait until you can speak with the pastor. Instruction is available regularly and upon request for those who wish to become communicants in our congregation and fellowship. Our goal is that those who commune do so in unity, with instruction, and preparation.
In this life we endure the sadness of differences between Christians in their beliefs, but we anticipate the day when, with all the saints united, will will be together at the eternal banquet of Christ in heaven.  At that time it will no longer be necessary to divide out false teachings by bearing witness to the Lord's doctrine, for then we will be united in understanding and confession of the faith, perfectly sanctified.
But that time is not yet, such witness is still to be given today so that the Lord's people may be protected from any new (false) and manmade teachings that contradict the properly understood Scriptures (1 Timothy 1:3, 1 Timothy 4:1).  This is why Concordia follows the historic and biblical pracstice of closed communion, where all who commune at this altar of the Lord bear witness to their oneness in confessing the same apostolic doctrine and faith prior to communing together (Acts 2:42).
The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20 bids us to "teach all things" from the Lord and so unity in the whole counsel of God cannot be side-stepped by us, no matter how much we desire to welcome new friends to our fellowship in Christ's Word and Sacraments.  While some Lutherans may diverge from this practice of closed communion (or "practice it differently") this is a historical Christian, Lutheran, and Missouri Synod practice as well that is implied in a right understanding of Scripture.  As pastors and congregation declare in the words of the Large Catechism of Martin Luther, everyone admitted to the Sacrament will have been baptized and will have learned and affirmed (in current status) the content of the Catechism.
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod is currently in fellowship with TAALC and Lutheran Church - Canada. Â Instruction is offered regularly for those who wish to become baptized communicants within our fellowship.
(See I Cor. 4:1-2; Romans 16:17; Acts 2:42; I Cor. 10, 11; 2 John 9-11Â et al.)